The Asian Studies WWW Monitor: Dec 2010, Vol. 17, No. 14 (319)
06 Dec 2010
Journal of South Asia Women Studies (JSAWS)
Asiatica Association, Milano, Italy
Supplied note:
"Dear Friends and Colleagues, I am very happy to celebrate the 15th
year of IJTS [International Journal of Tantric Studies - ed.] and
JSAWS publications with the new issue of the Journal of South Asia
Women Studies, vol. 12, no. 1, focusing on Human Rights. [...]
In this [Dec 2010] issue you can read the paper "Victims or Agents?
An Issue of Identity Amongst Indian Migrant Women in Australia," by
Loshini Naidoo (University of Western Sydney, Australia), and two
paper interviews. The paper by Prof. Naidoo attempts to provide an
understanding of the challenges that migrant woman, particularly
women from the Indian sub-continent, face in cultural identity
The interview paper is titled "An Islamic Feminist: Asya Andrabi and
the Dukhtaraan-e-Millat in Kashmir by Francesca Marino (journalist,
Director of Stringer Asia). It is based on an interview with Asya
Andrabi, the founder and elusive leader of the militant female Islam
group Dukhtaraan-e-Millat in Indian Kashmir.
The paper "Afghanistan, Issues at stake and Viable Solutions: An
Interview with H.R.H. Princess India of Afghanistan" was written by
myself. It is based on an interview with H.R.H. Princess India of
Afghanistan, the honorary Cultural Ambassador of Afghanistan to
Europe, approved in 2006 by President Hamid Karzai, and one of the
founder members of Mahmud Tarzi Cultural Foundation (MTCF). It was
made in January 2010.
The paper mostly deals with human rights issues and viable solutions
for Afghanistan. It anticipates some of the alleged misconduct of US
soldiers revealed over seven months later by Wikileaks.
Please note that the Note from the Editor and the interview with
H.R.H. Princess India of Afghanistan are freely available. Enjoy! -
Enrica Garzilli."
Self-description: "The purpose of the [electronic - ed.] journal is
manyfold. This journal [ISSN 1084-7478] is open to all bona fide
scholars in South Asia women studies. We aim to publish our work
quickly and democratically. Subjects: law, civil rights, gender
issues, religion, philosophy, politics, feminism and ecofeminism,
classical and modern literature, poetry, dance, music, drama,
language, translations, history, folklore, customs, medicine,
architecture, discoveries and cultural or social products by women,
etc. The journal is also a platform for dialog on interfaith issues,
and for dialog on issues of importance to Asian women. We want to
promote an international debate on the subject, and create a channel
of communication between science and media, between scholarly
production and NGOs activities, and between positive and religious
thought and/or ethical thought. We want to publicize the scholarly
study of women in terms of human rights. Women Studies, and
particularly "Third World" Women Studies, means to be involved in
ethical and social issues. Areas of study: India, Nepal, Tibet,
Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma,
Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Taiwan, Maldives, Malaysia,
Indonesia, Philippines. The journal includes unpublished articles,
abstracts, reviews, and news (such as on published books, on papers,
conferences, meetings, events, Ph.D. projects, etc.)."
Site contents
# VOL. 12 NO. 1 DECEMBER 3, 2010
* Pakistan, Burma, India and Human Rights - Editorial Note
* Afghanistan, Issues at stake and Viable Solutions: An Interview
with H.R.H. Princess India of Afghanistan - by Enrica Garzilli
* An Islamic Feminist: Asiya Andrabi and the Dukhtaran-e-Millat of
Kashmir - by Francesca Marino
* Victims or Agents? An Issue of Identity Amongst Indian Migrant
Women in Australia - by Loshini Naidoo
# VOL. 11 NO. 2 JULY 22, 2009
* India General Elections 2009 - Editorial Note
* The Un-slammed Door: The Evolution of Compromise in Sangita
Rayamajhi' s All Mothers Are Working Mothers - by Carol C. Davis
* Women Empowerment and Activism in the Indian state of Uttarakhand -
by Annpurna Nautiyal
Link reported by: Enrica Garzilli (
Internet Archive*/
* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
* Publisher [academic - business - govt. - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting -
Src: The Asian Studies WWW Monitor ISSN 1329-9778
The e-journal [est. 21 Apr 1994] provides free abstracts
and reviews of new/updated online resources of interest to Asian Studies.
The email edition of this Journal has now over 9,200 subscribers.
The AS WWW Monitor does not necessarily endorse contents,
or policies of the Internet resources it deals with.
- regards -
Dr T. Matthew Ciolek
Head, Internet Publications Bureau, RSPAS,
ANU College of Asia and the Pacific,
The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
ph +61 (02) 6125 3124 fax: +61 (02) 62571893
also, Asia Pacific Research Online at
[You may freely forward this information, but on condition that you
send the text as an integral whole along with complete information
about its author, date, and source.]
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