Japanese Garden Dictionary - A Glossary for Japanese Gardens and Their History

Department of Cultural Heritage, Nara National Research Institute for
Cultural Properties, Nara, Japan.


"Japanese Garden Dictionary - A Glossary for Japanese Gardens and
Their History. Compiled and Edited by ONO Kenkichi and Walter
EDWARDS. This online dictionary is based on the Bilingual [Japanese &
English] Dictionary of Japanese Garden Terms, published in 2001 as
the result of a project conducted under the auspices of a Ministry of
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research [....] Portions of
that work were subsequently incorporated by Ono Kenkichi in a
Japanese language publication, Nihon teien jiten (Iwanami Shoten,
2004). This online compilation, maintained by the Department of
Cultural Heritage of the Nara National Research Institute for
Cultural Properties, is intended to make the English language content
of the original dictionary more widely accessible."

Site contents:
* English index (Over 600 entries organised alphabetically,
abbot's quarters, aggregate lantern, aka well, Akisato Rito,
Amanohashidate, Amida hall, angler fish basin, arbor, arched bridge,
arched stone bridge, arching stone, armor pattern screen fence, and
artificial hill, [...]
[...], milepost lantern, millstone, miniature landscape, mirror
stone, mist-shaped island, monkey pine, moon shadow stone, moss, moss
garden, mountain base stone, mountain island, mountain path stone,
mountain slope stone, and mountain-and-water landscape, [...]
[...], waterfowl stone, waterside lantern, wave-receiving stone,
wayside stone, weathered beauty western style garden, who goes there?
lantern, wild wave stone, wing stone, wisteria yard, wooden bridge,
wooden conduit, wooden gate, wooden steps, worshiping stone, Yang
stone, yarai fence, yarimizu stream, Yin stone, Yin-Yang stones, yoko
ochi (cascade), Yosuien garden, Zen'ami, and zigzag bridge);
* Japanese index.

[Dictionary data structure:
English Index - (1) English Entry & URL to the English language
definition with hypertext links to related entries in the dictionary,
(2) Kanji/Kana, (3) Romanization [romaji]
Japanese Index - (1) Japanese Roamanized Entry & URL to the English
language definition with hypertext links to related entries in the
dictionary, (2) Kanji/Kana, (3) Corresponding English Entry - ed.]

URL http://www.nabunken.go.jp/database/jgd/index.html

Internet Archive (web.archive.org) [the site was not archived at the
time of this abstract]

Link reported by: Walter Edwards (edwards--at--nabunken.go.jp),
forwarded by h-asia--at--h-net.msu.edu

* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
* Publisher [academic - business - government - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting -
* External links to the resource [over 3,000 - under 3,000 - under 1,000
  - under 300 - under 100 - under 30]: under 100
Src: The Asian Studies WWW Monitor ISSN 1329-9778
URL http://coombs.anu.edu.au/asia-www-monitor.html
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The e-journal [est. 21 Apr 1994] provides free abstracts
and reviews of new/updated online resources of interest to Asian Studies.
The email edition of this Journal has now over 8,980 subscribers.
The AS WWW Monitor does not necessarily endorse contents,
or policies of the Internet resources it deals with.

- regards -

Dr T. Matthew Ciolek  matthew.ciolek--at--anu.edu.au
Head, Internet Publications Bureau, RSPAS,
ANU College of Asia and the Pacific,
The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
ph +61 (02) 6125 3124 fax: +61 (02) 62571893
also, Asia Pacific Research Online at www.ciolek.com

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