Each year the University of Adelaide has a Major International Scholarship Round of applications. This is the most effective way to maximise the chances of obtaining an international research scholarship as international students will be considered for every available scholarship for which they are eligible. Up to 44 scholarships are usually offered as part of this Round each year.
Postgraduate Research scholarships for applicants who wish to undertake study in a Masters or Doctorate degree by research, and for students already in candidature. Students must be in full-time candidature in order to be eligible for most scholarships.
Adelaide Scholarships International (ASI)
The University of Adelaide offers a scholarships scheme for international students undertaking postgraduate research study. Its purpose is to attract high quality overseas postgraduate students to areas of research strength in the University of Adelaide to support its research effort. The selection for scholarships is extremely competitive.
Up to 10 prestigious scholarships may be available in the mid year round of scholarships for 2010 to outstanding international students from any country undertaking postgraduate research in any academic discipline.
The ASI provides:
1. Course tuition fees for two years for a Masters degree by Research and three years for a Doctoral research degree (an extension is possible for doctoral programs only);
2. Health insurance cover for students; and
3. An annual living allowance of approximately $22,250 (2010 value) for the normal duration of the program.
Applicants should hold at least the equivalent of an Australian First Class Honours degree. This is a four year degree with a major research project in the final year. Other criteria that will be taken into consideration is undergraduate performance, bachelor and honours awards and scholarships, other postgraduate degrees, publications in internationally refereed journals, the presentation of conference papers and relevant industry experience.
Applications for these scholarships are always highly competitive. Generally ASI recipients have completed a Masters degree including a significant research component and have several publications and relevant work and research experience.
* ASI Scholarship will be awarded strictly on academic merit. Extra-curricular achievements will not be considered.
* Citizens and Permanent Residents of Australia, and citizens of New Zealand are ineligible.
* Those undertaking research via remote candidature are ineligible.
* International applicants are not eligible for an ASI if they have already commenced the degree for which they are seeking an award, unless they can establish that they were unable to apply for an ASI in the last round of the previous calendar year.
* International applicants who have not provided evidence of their meeting English language proficiency requirements by the closing date are not eligible for an ASI.
* International applicants must not hold a research qualification regarded by the University of Adelaide to be equivalent to an Australian Research Doctorate degree or, if undertaking a Research Masters degree, not hold a research qualification regarded by the University of Adelaide to be equivalent to or higher than an Australian Research Masters degree.
* Candidates are required to enrol in the University of Adelaide as 'international students' and must maintain 'international student' status for the duration of their enrolment in the University.
* Scholarships are available for the normal duration of the program, subject to satisfactory progress. For students enrolled in a PhD, extensions beyond three years and six months require the approval of the Graduate Scholarships Committee and would only be approved in exceptional circumstances.
* Scholarships holders must commence study at The University of Adelaide in Semester 2, 2010. No ASI may be commenced after 30 November.
* Scholarship winners will not be permitted to defer commencement until 2011.
* Applicants who applied in previous international scholarship rounds are not eligible to apply again.
We strongly recommend that all applicants submit their application and all required documents well before the closing date. Incomplete applications at the scholarship application deadline will not be considered for a scholarship.
Adelaide Graduate Research Scholarships (AGRS)
Formerly known as Adelaide Graduate Fee Scholarships (AGFS)
Up to 5 AGRS Scholarships may be available for international students from any country, who have recently graduated from the University of Adelaide, to undertake postgraduate research at the University of Adelaide in semester 2, 2010.
Eligibility Criteria
In order to be eligible for consideration a student must:
* be completing their four year undergraduate degree including first class honours in a research based honours program or masters degree with a sufficient research component to be approved by the Research Education Development Committee as a degree acceptable for entry to the PhD. ie a Masters degree including a minimum of 12 points of research at the University of Adelaide in semester 1, 2010 OR have completed the above in 2009;
* be eligible to enrol as a commencing student in a full-time postgraduate research program at the University of Adelaide in semester 2, 2010;
* be an international student; and
* not be currently enrolled in the higher degree by research program at the University of Adelaide for which the student is applying for a scholarship.
* Currently enrolled PhD students and applicants who applied in previous international scholarship rounds are not eligible to apply again.
International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS)
The International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS) scheme is funded by the Commonwealth Government through the Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR). Its purpose is to attract high quality overseas postgraduate students to areas of research strength in higher education institutions to support Australia's research effort. Approximately 15 scholarships may be available in 2011 for international students from any country undertaking postgraduate research in areas of University research strengths.
The IPRS provides:
1. Course tuition fees for two years for a Masters degree by Research and three years for a Doctoral research degree (an extension is possible for doctoral programs only); and
2. Health insurance cover for students.
3. All successful IPRS applicants will also receive an Adelaide Scholarships International (ASI) place which provides an annual living allowance of approximately $22,250 (2010 value) for the normal duration of the program.
Applicants should hold at least the equivalent of an Australian First Class Honours degree. This is a four year degree with a major research project in the final year. Other criteria that will be taken into consideration is undergraduate performance, bachelor and honours awards and scholarships, other postgraduate degrees, publications in refereed journals, the presentation of conference papers and relevant industry experience.
Applications for these scholarships are always highly competitive. Generally IPRS recipients have completed a Masters degree including a significant research component and have several publications and relevant work and research experience.
* IPRS Scholarships will be awarded on academic merit and to applicants applying in areas of research strength. Extra-curricular achievements will not be considered.
* Citizens and Permanent Residents of Australia, and citizens of New Zealand are ineligible.
* Those undertaking research via remote candidature are ineligible.
* Candidates who have applied for Australian permanent resident status are ineligible to apply.
* International applicants are not eligible for an IPRS if they have already commenced the degree for which they are seeking an award, unless they can establish that they were unable to apply for an IPRS in the previous calendar year.
* International applicants must not hold a research qualification regarded by the University of Adelaide to be equivalent to an Australian Research Doctorate degree or, if undertaking a Research Masters degree, not hold a research qualification regarded by the University of Adelaide to be equivalent to or higher than an Australian Research Masters degree.
* International applicants who have not provided evidence of their meeting English language proficiency requirements by the closing date are not eligible for an IPRS.
* Candidates are required to enrol in the University of Adelaide as 'international students' and must maintain 'international student' status for the duration of their enrolment in the University.
* Scholarships are available for the normal duration of the program, subject to satisfactory progress. For students enrolled in a PhD, extensions beyond three years and six months require the approval of the Graduate Scholarships Committee and would only be approved in exceptional circumstances.
* Scholarships holders must commence study at The University of Adelaide in Semester 1 or Semester 2, 2011. No IPRS may be commenced after 30 September.
* Scholarship winners will not be permitted to defer commencement until 2012.
* Applicants who applied in previous international scholarship rounds are not eligible to apply again.
We strongly recommend that all applicants submit their application and all required documents well before the closing date. Incomplete applications at the scholarship application deadline will not be considered for a scholarship.
Adelaide Fee Scholarships International (AFSI)
Up to 15 scholarships may be available in 2011 to outstanding international students from any country undertaking postgraduate research in any academic discipline. Benefits are payment of full tuition fees for the normal duration of the program. The sole selection criteria for the Adelaide Fee Scholarships International (AFSI) will be academic merit. Unlike the IPRS, the AFSI applicants do not need to be applying to an area of research strength in the University. The Research Priority Areas of the University will be taken into consideration when awarding these scholarships.
Applicants should hold at least the equivalent of an Australian First Class Honours degree. This is a four year degree with a major research project in the final year. Other criteria that will be taken into consideration is undergraduate performance, bachelor and honours awards and scholarships, other postgraduate degrees, publications in internationally refereed journals, the presentation of conference papers and relevant industry experience.
Applications for these scholarships are always highly competitive. Generally AFSI recipients have completed a Masters degree including a significant research component and have several publications and relevant work and research experience.
Conditions AFSI Scholarships
* AFSI Scholarships will be awarded strictly on academic merit. Extra-curricular achievements will not be considered.
* Citizens and Permanent Residents of Australia, and citizens of New Zealand are ineligible.
* Those undertaking research via remote candidature are ineligible.
* International applicants are not eligible for an AFSI if they have already commenced the degree for which they are seeking an award, unless they can establish that they were unable to apply for an AFSI in the previous calendar year.
* International applicants who have not provided evidence of their meeting English language proficiency requirements by the closing date are not eligible for an AFSI.
* International applicants must not hold a research qualification regarded by the University of Adelaide to be equivalent to an Australian Research Doctorate degree or, if undertaking a Research Masters degree, not hold a research qualification regarded by the University of Adelaide to be equivalent to or higher than an Australian Research Masters degree.
* Candidates are required to enrol in the University of Adelaide as 'international students' and must maintain 'international student' status for the duration of their enrolment in the University.
* Scholarships are available for the normal duration of the program, subject to satisfactory progress. For students enrolled in a PhD, extensions beyond three years and six months require the approval of the Graduate Scholarships Committee and would only be approved in exceptional circumstances.
* Scholarships holders must commence study at The University of Adelaide in Semester 1 or Semester 2, 2011. No AFSI may be commenced after 30 September.
* Scholarship winners will not be permitted to defer commencement until 2012.
* Applicants who applied in previous international scholarship rounds are not eligible to apply again.
There is no separate application process for Adelaide Fee Scholarships International (AFSI). An application for admission to the University in 2011 will constitute an application for a scholarship in this instance.
We strongly recommend that all applicants submit their application and all required documents well before the closing date. Incomplete applications at the scholarship application deadline will not be considered for a scholarship.
Chilean Bicentennial Fund Scholarships
Available for students from the Republic of Chile who intend to undertake a Masters by Research or PhD at the University of Adelaide
China Scholarship Council - University of Adelaide Joint Postgraduate Scholarships Program
The China Scholarship Council (CSC) and The University of Adelaide (UA) are jointly offering postgraduate research scholarships to students from the People's Republic of China who intend to undertake a postgraduate research degree at the University of Adelaide. Up to 50 scholarships will be available for students commencing in semester 2
Endeavour Postgraduate Awards (International applicants)
For international students undertaking a HDR or Masters by Coursework or Research in any field of study in Australia
The Endeavour Postgraduate Awards are a part of the Australia Awards initiative which was announced by the Prime Minister in November 2009. The Australia Awards have been established to maximise the benefit to Australia of its extensive scholarship programs, and to support enduring ties between Australia and our neighbours.
The Australia Awards will bring together the international development awards administrated by the Australia Agency for International Development (AusAID) and the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations’ (DEEWR) Endeavour Awards under a single recognisable brand. The Australia Awards are being progressively phased in commencing in 2010. Further information is available at www.AustraliaAwards.gov.au.
Value: Up to $201,000 (PhD) and $108,500 (Masters)
Northcote Graduate Scholarships
The Northcote Graduate Scholarship scheme is administered by the Menzies Centre for Australian Studies, King's College London, on behalf of the Northcote Children's Emigration Fund.
Applications are invited from students normally resident in the United Kingdom who wish to undertake a higher degree at an Australian university for a period of up to three years. Applicants must ascertain their eligibility for an Australian graduate programme. There are no limitations as the field of study.
The scholarship will provide
* an economy class return airfare to Australia
* payments of compulsory fees at an Australian university
Value: A$20,000 per annum
Current status: Closed. Applications will open on 28th June 2010
Menzies Centre
King’s College London
The Australia Centre
Strand, London, WC2B 4LG
Tel +44 (0)20 7240 0220
Fax +44 (0)20 7240 8292
Email: menzies.centre@kcl.ac.uk
Web: http://www.kcl.ac.uk/schools/humanities/depts/menzies/scholar/ngs.html
Prime Minister's Australia Asia Endeavour Awards (International applicants)
The Prime Minister’s Australia Asia Postgraduate Awards provide full financial support for international student for a maximum of three and a half (3.5) years to undertake a postgraduate qualification at PhD level by research in any field of study in Australia. Award holders will be encouraged to undertake a work placement or internship in Australia of up to 12 months related to their fields of study at the completion of their study program.
The top twenty (20) eligible incoming PhD recipients of Endeavour Postgraduate Awards will be awarded the Prime Minister’s Australia Asia Postgraduate Awards. International applicants should not contact their Australian host university regarding these Awards; instead they undertake the normal application process for the 2011 Endeavour Postgraduate Awards.
Citizens of India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Republic of Korea, Singapore, The People’s Republic of China (including Hong Kong, and Macau SARs), Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam will be eligible for this Award.
Rio Tinto (NTRB) Scholarships
Open to lawyers currently working, or interested in working at Native Title Representative Bodies (NTRBs) or Native Title Service Porividers (NTSPs). Successful candidates will undertake a 1 year LLM in Mineral Law & Policy at the Centre for Energy Petroleum & Mineral Law & Policy at the University of Dundee, Scotland.
The Turner Family Scholarship
This scholarship is offered on the advice of the Faculty of Sciences to students who apply for admission to a research degree at the University of Adelaide and whose proposed research is substantially in the field of pastoral or agricultural sciences. Recipients are usually selected from the Major Round of scholarships applications. The terms and conditions are similar to University of Adelaide Scholarships, however the relevance of the applicant's research topic is considered when deeming eligibility.
The scholarships are open to Australian citizens and permanent residents of Australia, and to international students who can demonstrate the capacity to meet the tuition fees for the course.
Value: Equivalent to the rate of the Australian Postgraduate Award plus 5%.
Contact detail: graduate.centre@adelaide.edu.au
Moreinfo: http://www.adelaide.edu.au/graduatecentre/scholarships/postgrad/international/index.html
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