AICAT – Arava International Center for Agriculture Training ,was established in 1994 as a joint venture between the Foreign Ministry, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Central Arava Regional Council in order to train agricultural students from different countries. The goal for trainees, on return to their countries, is to advance more sophisticated agriculture and food production.

Over the years, the Training Center has grown and today is absorbing students from Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Nepal, Laos and Tibetans from India, who come to take part in the professional work and study programs. These programs are based on acquiring knowledge and skills through a process that involves studying and practical training in various farms throughout the Arava.

The Center receives the support and encouragement of the Government Ministries in Israel and works with the Ministries of Education and Agriculture from the students' countries of origin. Requests are often received from additional countries.

The study program lasts the maximum 11 months and includes various subjects that are fitted to the students' background and the special needs of their countries. Such subjects include agricultural economics, financing and marketing, computer training, growing techniques for vegetables, flowers and orchards, fish farming, organic farming, dairy farming and more. During their training each student also conducts a research project at the farm on which he/she works. At the end of their training they receive a graduation certificate.

Throughout the year the participating students take part in regional agricultural activities, and visit various farms in the Arava, as well as other tourist sites throughout the country.


The guiding theme in the activity of the Center is “learning by doing”.

o According to the above, groups of students will come to the Center for maximum11 months, which constitute an entire agricultural season (from September to July).
o The students will be integrated into the farms of the Arava, and will learn about sophisticated agriculture.
o Criteria for collaboration with students in the AICAT project:
1. Age 22-32
2. Good physical health.
3. Great willingness to learn and ability to do hard physical work.
4. Open-minded students capable of learning new subjects.
5. Emotionally strong students who can deal with long absence from their own countries, and can get used to living in a different place.
6. Preference will be given to students with good ability to communicate in English.


o Necessary preparations in the country of origin:
1. Conformity to prerequisites, according to the criteria.
2. Valid passport for at least 2 years ahead.
3. Medical examinations in accordance with the requirements of the Center. Hospitals that get permit from the Embassy of Israel.
4. Purchase of a flight ticket to Israel.
5. Arrival in Israel will be determined after reception of authorization from the Israeli Ministry of the Interior. Entrance visas to Israel will be obtained from the Israeli Embassy in the country of origin.
6. Arrival to Israel from the middle of August till the middle of September.
The above issues are the responsibility of and funded by the office handling the preparations, and the students themselves.

o The AICAT is responsible for:
1. Arranging the necessary permits from Israeli authorities.
2. Transport of the trainees from the airport to the Center.
3. Distribution of the trainees to the farms in the Arava.
4. Implementation of the curricula at the Center.
5. Guidance and assistance with all the needs of the students during their stay in Israel.
6. Direct and constant contact with the agency that sent the students from their country of origin.

o Cost and funding of the activities in Israel:
1. Single registration and handling fee of $150
2. Comprehensive medical insurance – single payment of $40.
3. Annual tuition in accordance with the student’s curriculum. Tuition will be paid at the first 4 months of their stay in Israel. (Between 2,100$ to 2,500$ per year depends in the program.
4. Return ticket.

These sums will be paid to the Center by the farmer and will be deducted from the pocket money that the student receives for his work.
5. Suitable accommodations will be provided by the farmers.



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