Tên khóa học: "Design & Management of Interactive Learning in Rural Innovation"

Thời gian khóa học: từ 4 - 22/11/2013 (DM-IAL2013).

Hạn cuối nộp hồ sơ: 30 April 2013.

This course is intended for professional staff of extension and rural advisory services involved in linking relevant rural and agricultural stakeholders in joint learning and action-research programmes.

Cơ hội nhận học bổng:

Fellowships are available for this course from the Netherlands Fellowship Programme for certain countries. The application period opens in 1 March 2013 and ends on 7 May 2013. Guidelines on how to apply for the fellowships are available from ICRA.Link to the webpage with the course brochure and the ICRA application form:  http://www.icra-edu.org/page.cfm?pageid=ardsharingDL2013On

ICRA: ICRA is a well-known international centre with significant experience and know-how in building innovative capacity, at individual, organisational and institutional levels.ICRA strengthens innovative capacity by providing training and coaching to professionals and to inter-organisational and multidisciplinary teams of staff from education, research and development organisations, in the following 4 areas:

• Agricultural Research for Development (AR4D)

• Agricultural Advisory Services and Innovation

• Agribusiness coaching

• Higher Education outreach and action researchICRA organises courses for individuals and teams and coaches them further,  and partners in Higher Education and outreach with many universities in Africa (e.g. Ghana, South Africa, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Benin, Burkina), research organisations, farmer and producer organisations, etc.  ICRA alumni are in key positions in diverse fields across the world and report that  the ICRA courses benefit them and their organizations to a huge extent.

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Phòng Hợp Tác Quốc Tế.


Số lần xem trang: 2147
Điều chỉnh lần cuối: 01-03-2013


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