CamTESOL Regional ELT Research Grants Program

DP Education is again coordinating sponsorship to create some research grants for delegates to the 2013 conference. The grants are to support delegates who wish to pursue research that will be written up and presented at the 2014 conference and then submitted for consideration for publication in LEiA.  The next round of grants will be made available to nationals of the following countries: Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, the Philippines and Indonesia.


  • Researchers must be nationals of the following countries: Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, the Philippines or Indonesia.
  • Researchers must reside in the country of their respective nationality.
  • Researchers should not previously have received a CamTESOL grant.
  • Researchers must be registered for and attend CamTESOL 2013 on both days, Saturday and Sunday.
  • A maximum of two researchers may submit a joint proposal; in this case the grant of US$500 is shared.

Criteria for Judging Proposals

The competitiveness of the research proposals will be judged by a specialist panel on the basis of the following criteria:

1.       The relevance of the proposed research to the improvement of teaching English in the context of developing countries;

2.       The potential contribution of the proposed research to the existing literature on the teaching of the English language;

3.       The clarity and conciseness of the proposal;

4.       The feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed methodology;

5.       The relevant background, training, and experience of the applicant(s).

Interested applicants need to complete the attached COVER SHEET and PROPOSAL in a single word document file which should be submitted to

 DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: 5pm, Monday February 4th, 2013

 Thông tin chi tiết và mẫu đơn xin vui lòng liên hệ với P. HTQT (tel: 38966946 gặp Trịnh T. Tiện) hoặc email:

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Số lần xem trang: 2146
Điều chỉnh lần cuối: 08-11-2012


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