Every year, the International WaterCentre (IWC) awards several full-tuition scholarships to a small number of excellent candidates who are accepted into the Master of Integrated Water Management (MIWM) and clearly demonstrate potential to become future water leaders. Scholarships are currently open to international and domestic applicants.

Value: full-tuition (AU$44,400) and health cover for international students
Applications close 1 August 2012
Program commences in February 2013 (Australia)

Apply online for a Masters Scholarship

Master of Integrated Water Management
The MIWM program equips students with the integration, leadership and managerial skills to become part of a group of water leaders with sustainable and holistic solutions to global water and climate change challenges.

The degree is co-badged and co-delivered by four leading Australian universities:

Read more about the MIWM program





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WEB: www.watercentre.org
EMAIL: admin@watercentre.org
ADDRESS: PO BOX 10907, Adelaide St, QLD 4000 Australia
PHONE: +61 7 3123 7766
FAX: +61 7 3103 4574


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