
Aims to enhance the participants’ understanding of the interrelationships between and among concepts of impact assessment, policy formulation and advocacy, good governance, and development.

Intended Participants

Twenty-five (25) researchers and practitioners working technology-oriented projects incorporating capacity development of intermediate users and end-users of technology and policy makers and practitioners involved in contracting out development programs or serving as conduits of development programs.

Course Fee

Live-in rate:                               US$415.00

Live-out rate:                             US$313.00

Subsidized live-in rate:               US$234.00**

Subsidized live-out rate:             US$132.00**

To apply as fee-paying participant, please fill-out the online Application Form. Applications will be accepted until 4 May 2012.

Fellowship Grants*

Nine fellowship grants* are available for this course:

    -  3 grants are open to Filipino applicants

    -  6 grants are open to other Southeast Asian nationals


The grant will cover the grantee’s participation (either full or partial) in the course. To apply for the fellowship grant, please email Ms. Nova A. Ramos, SEARCA Training Specialist < >. Grant applications will be accepted until 27 April 2012.

For more information

Please see Course Brochure


  *Available only on a competitive basis to employees of government institutions in any of the SEAMEO member countries, i.e., Brunei  Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor Leste, and Vietnam.





 Trân Trọng.



Số lần xem trang: 2149
Điều chỉnh lần cuối: 17-04-2012


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