The organizing committee of International Conference on Environmental and Rural Development, constituted with United Nations University-IAS, Tokyo University of Agriculture (TUA), Royal University of Agriculture (RUA), Institute of Environment Rehabilitation and Conservation (ERECON) and Association of Environmental and Rural Development (AERD) is pleased to announce the International Conference on Environmental and Rural Development to be held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 4-5 March 2010. The main objective of this conference is to discuss and develop the suitable and effective processes and strategies for sustainable rural development taking into account of agricultural and environmental aspects in developing countries. Scientists or facilitators of all disciplines, international, governmental and non-governmental organizations are invited to participate and submit contributions.
VENUE: Royal University of Agriculture, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
The following specific thematic areas are envisioned:
§ Education for Sustainable Rural Development (Environmental education, Food and agricultural education, Participatory approach, Capacity building, Community empowerment, Agricultural extension, etc.)
§ Rural Development(Marketing, Partnership, Value added product, Community development, Access to technology, Cultural preservation, etc.)
§ Environmental Management (Bio-diversity, Soil degradation and land conservation, Water quality conservation, Deforestation and sustainable forest management, Environmental management, etc.)
§ Agricultural Systems (Organic farming, Conservation tillage, Mechanization, Irrigation and Drainage, Nutrient and pest management, Agro-forestry, Indigenous technology, etc)
- Infrastructural Systems (Water resource development, Land reclamation, Road construction, etc.)
Potential participants are invited to submit the abstract and full paper through e-mail to the Conference Secretariat. Screening of abstracts by Technical Committee is based on relevance to the themes of the conference. Authors should indicate if they wish to make oral or poster presentations. Due to the limited time available, the oral presentations are selected based on the quality of the abstracts and to give a diversity of presentation topics and presenters. Those abstracts which are accepted but could not be scheduled in oral presentations are presented as posters. Abstracts of all conference presentations will be published and distributed at the conference, and full papers will be published in the International Journal of Environmental and Rural Development after a peer-reviewing process.Contribution form including abstract submission is available to download at
Please submit your abstract by e-mail to the Conference Secretariat at The information on abstract submission and others important dates are as follows:
Submission of Contribution Form and abstract containing a brief summary of the objective, method, results and discussion Notification of Acceptance
Submission of full paper
Conference and Excursion
1 October 2009
1 November 2009
20 December 2009
4 - 5 March 2010
Guideline to authors will be distributed together with the Notice of Abstract Acceptance. Please access to for further information.
- Dr. Machito MIHARA
Professor at Tokyo University of Agriculture, Chair of Organizing Committee of ICERD
- Dr. Eiji YAMAJI
Professor at the University of Tokyo, Chair of Technical Committee of ICERD
- Dr. Bunthan NGO
Vice Rector at Royal University of Agriculture, Chair of Steering Committee of ICERD
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