The International Cooperation Office and the Research Institute for Biotechnology and Environment held International Course Laboratory Animal Science from 3rd to 14th October 2016. This course is funded by Laboratory Animals Limited (LAL). LAL aims to fulfill our obligations as a charity by funding a range of other initiatives in the field of laboratory animal science. This course has participation of international lecturers from Utretcht University, Netherland; CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (CSIR-IGIB), India, the University of Colombo, Srilanka; and AAALAC International Southeast Asia Office.
The course attracted a lot of lecturers from Faculty of Fisheries, Research Institute for Biotechnology and Environment and Faculty of Animal Science and Veterinarian Medicine of NLU as well as some students from the University of Natural Sciences, the International University, HCM Pastuer Institute, the University of Agriculture- Hue and so on.
The training course provides students with fundamental knowledge of animal welfare, particularly Humane end points in animal experiments, animal rights designing and so on.
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